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You’ve tweaked your resume to perfectly reflect your career experience. You’ve drafted a cover letter that explains what qualifications you’ve obtained and where you’d like to head next in your career. You’ve updated your LinkedIn page with the perfect profile photo and bio. Now, your job search is officially underway.

When looking for job postings online, it can become a bit daunting. You may be asking yourself “How do I know if this is the right fit for me?” or “Will this job offer me the compensation and work/life balance I’m seeking?” The good news is that, if you’re equipped with the knowledge of some common red flags to avoid, it should be smooth sailing.

Here are three red flags in job postings that should have you running for the hills.

1. You find several grammatical errors or poorly written sentences within the job description.

Much like your resume and cover letter act as your first impression to a future employer, the job posting acts as such for the company in which you’re interested. If a job posting is sloppily written, poorly organized, and filled with poorly written sentences or grammatical errors, you may want to hit “pause.” Of course, everyone makes mistakes at times. However, you want to apply for positions in companies that appear organized and put together, showing that they value applicants’ time and effort.

2. The job poster doesn’t include a description of the company.

Of course job applicants should do their due diligence when it comes to researching a company prior to applying and interviewing, but if the job poster doesn’t include a brief description of the who, what, when, where, and why of the organization, you might want to rethink things. You want to hear about the company through the words of the existing team: What is the company’s elevator pitch? What areas do they specialize in? What type of clients do they work with? What are their company values? These are all important factors to know when it comes to taking the time to submit an application, so a description of the company can aid in making that decision.

3. The application process has you unnecessarily jumping through hoops.

So, you’ve submitted your resume and cover letter and answered a few standard questions. The company is now also asking you to complete a quarter’s worth of social media content… and to create graphics for each post… and to write an article for the website — all with a tight deadline of one week and no mention of compensation. We’d consider this a major red flag. At times during the application process, there certainly may be follow-up assessments or requests to further explore whether or not you’re a fit for the role. However, if a company takes advantage of you and your time before you even have an offer, it may not be the right place for you.

All in all, the job search process can be a lengthy, tedious, and stressful one, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We recommend focusing your efforts on solid, quality job postings by reputable companies. Take this approach and watch as worthwhile, new opportunities present themselves during your job hunt.